Cold Email

Get early access to the 'Cold Email For Professionals' course

After running hundreds of campaigns for leading venture backed startups... we're building the most practical and comprehensive guide on delivering successful cold outreach campaigns for founders and sales teams. Get early access below.

Cold Email For Professionals

We’ve helped 100s of leading venture backed startups scale using cold outreach. Now we're pulling together the most comprehensive guide on building successful cold email campaigns. If you'd like to get early access to the material, email me directly on mikey (at) xoxo (dot) vc. When the course is live it will be $997.

The below covers the topics that will be covered in the course.


  • What is Cold Email and why is it an amazing growth channel?
  • Things you definitely need to know about Cold Email
  • Making sure your objectives for using Cold Email are crystal clear
  • The different use cases for Cold Email
  • How we built an entire business using Cold Email

Setup your campaign for success

  • Setting up a secondary domain
  • Setting up your email account
  • Warming up your email account
  • Setting up SPF and DKIM

Building a targeted prospect list

  • Overview on building a high quality prospect list
  • How to build your Ideal Customer Profiles (ICP)
  • How to build a prospect list
  • How to find contact information about your prospects
  • Where to find your prospects
  • How to research specific data points on your prospects
  • How to do personalization using data points
  • Which software tools to use for building your prospect list
  • Which software tools to use for enriching your prospect list
  • ‘Done-for-you’ services you can use for building your prospect list

Writing your cold email sequences

  • Overview on writing great cold emails
  • From line and signature
  • How to write subject lines for cold emails?
  • How to write good intro lines for cold emails?
  • How to write the body of your cold emails?
  • How to write the call to action in your cold emails?
  • How to include data variables in your cold emails?
  • What are tactics to test in your cold emails?
  • How to avoid spam-triggering words
  • How to personalize your cold emails (at scale)?

Writing followup emails for your cold email sequences

  • Why follow-ups are so important in cold email campaigns
  • How to write followup steps (with examples)
  • What is the right followup frequency
  • How to boost engagement with follow ups

Optimizing your campaigns

  • How to interpret your cold email stats
  • How to properly A/B test your campaigns
  • A/B testing to improve open rates
  • A/B testing to improve reply rates
  • How to improve deliverability of your campaigns

Troubleshooting your campaigns

  • What to do if your email gets suspended
  • What to do if your deliverability rate is low
  • What to do if you no one is replying to your emails

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