The cold email Blog

It's all about Cold Email

We've done a LOT of cold email. Here are our distilled findings lovingly and painstakingly crafted for your brief enjoyment.

B2B Sales Funnel Stages: How To Build and Optimize These 9 Steps

The 9 B2B Sales Funnel Stages and how to optimize them for your own sales process.

June 29, 2022

Get early access to the 'Cold Email For Professionals' course

After running hundreds of campaigns for leading venture backed startups... we're building the most practical and comprehensive guide on delivering successful cold outreach campaigns for founders and sales teams. Get early access below.

April 21, 2022

400+ cold email resources for building successful cold outreach campaigns

We're pulling together the ultimate database on how to be successful with cold email.

April 21, 2022

Someone copied our branding, our content and basically our business… should we be annoyed or flattered?

Someone has copied our website, our branding, our content and basically our business. This is the third time this has happened to me. Here are my thoughts on it.

September 7, 2021

Bootstrapping Cold Email Studio to $240k ARR in 200 days. Insights for other bootstrappers.

We’re 7 months into building our productized service, Cold Email Studio, which is a service that builds and manages B2B outbound sales campaigns mainly for YC and other venture backed startups. Here's our story so far.

September 7, 2021

Building businesses worth selling with Tyler Gillespie

Today we chat to Tyler Gillespie on his journey of building and selling businesses, to now advising other entrepreneurs to do the same. Tyler is the co-founder of Content Pros (acquired), Applause Lab (acquired) and more recently Productized.Services.

August 26, 2021